
אשכול: דרום

We are an English-speaking club with members from both the local population and from all corners of the world.
We are of many diverse opinions, ages and faiths – Jews, Muslims, Christians and Bahá’ís.
We live in “interesting times” and often get a front row seat,
sitting, as we do, in one of the spiritually and politically most significant  regions of the world.
On our website we want to share with you our history and our current efforts as we endeavor both to serve our local community and to work with our fellow Rotarians around the globe to build peace and goodwill.
Please use the menu above to explore
– who we are,
– what we do,
– to  discover the world of Rotary and
– to find out what Rotary does in and for our world
– and maybe even that you might like to know more
and to join us.

כתובת המועדון:ימקא, רח' המלך דוד, ירושלים

יום ושעת המפגש: רביעי בשעה 13:00

אתר אינטרנט: https://www.rotaryclubjerusalem.org/

אנשי קשר
שם תפקיד טלפון דואר אלקטרוני
גירט כהן סטיוארט נשיא 054-4295680 secrotj@gmail.com
ורד קטר מזכיר 054-5386639 vkater@gmail.com
המר רוברט גזבר 054-3060519 robbaah@gmail.com